Open frame free standing racks are the best suited for smaller plants. These are easy to assemble, commission & use. The deliveries of such systems can be given in a short span.
All Systems are designed in compliance with ASME PTC-19.11, USA, GDCD, UK, EPRI, VGB Standard S006-2012
• Open type construction
• Ease of operation
• Easy access to all components
• Easy to install & commission
• Number of lines: Selectable from 1 to 10 (more also available on request)• Sample temperatures than can be handled: from 30 to 600oC. (more temperatures can be handled on request)
• Sample pressures than can be handled: from 1 to 300 Kg/cm2 (more pressures can be handled on request)
• Sample temperatures than can be handled: from 30 to 600oC. (more temperatures can be handled on request)
• Typical size of rack (per line): 2100mm (H) x 500mm (W) x 800mm (D). (Width will increase incrementally as per number of lines)
• Cooling water temperature: 25 to 35oC (If more, special designs are available)
• Cooling water quality: preferably DeMin water with chloride content < 35ppm (If different quality water is available, special designs are available)
• No electricity required for Sample Conditioning
• Ease of maintenance
• Saves time for installation & commissioning
• Operators find these systems easy for use
• Cost effective
It is suitable for a single line system. It is compact and apt for single or dual analyzers.
• Captive Power Plants
• Co-generations Plants
• Combined Cycle Power Plants
• Chemical / Pertrochemical / Fertilizer / Refinery applications of sample conditioning and analysis.