Every boiler needs a periodic Blow down. Boiler blow down is done to control the TDS levels of water inside the boiler. If the level of total dissolved solids (TDS) in your boiler gets higher than desired limit, you could be facing serious scaling on your boiler tubes and downstream equipment’s,
foaming inside the boiler and water carryover along with the steam. So for better quality steam supply and longer life of the boiler and it’s tube, blow down becomes mandatory.
• Automatic Blow down Control.
• No manual intervention.
• Programmable PLC based controls.
• Available in both the options of Timer and TDS Based System.
• It is used for Boiler Blow down as well as cooling tower Blow Down.
Required input connections:
• 230 volts AC / 50 Hz power supply.
• 4 to 6 bar pneumatic supply( whenever pneumatically controlled valve is provided).
• Maximum blow down capacity : 2750 kg/Hr.
• Boiler pressure up to 17.5 kg/cm2.
• Reduced operating costs.
• Reduced maintenance and repair costs.
• Cleaner and more efficient steam.
• Energy Savings